Student Portal

The Student Portal is our primary method of communication with you. In it you can find out all information regarding your involvement in College. These include but are not limited to following:

  • student timetable,
  • assessment/subject results,
  • record of all financial statements,
  • access to the library, and
  • many standard request forms for you as the student.

It is integral to familiarise yourself with the information contained in the Student Portal and also how to navigate through it.

How to use the Student Portal

In order to use the Portal for the first time, access it by using either of the addresses below:

Once there, simply type in your email address, and enter your Portal password. If you have forgotten your password, click the ‘Email Password’ button and a temporary password will be sent to the designated address.

Once logged into the Portal, all navigating options are listed in the tool bar on the left hand side. Highlight the Students option in the toolbar on the left of the screen, and your choices will appear (following are some of those choices available): Accommodation Plans, Assessment Upload, Calendar, Contact Details, Conference Intensives, Course Fee Payment, General Information, Graduation Status, Invoices, Library, Notice Board, Results, Time Table.  

Assessment Upload

The majority of your assessments will be submitted through the Portal, so it is imperative that you know how the process works. Again, start from the Students option on the toolbar, and click on Assessment Upload. You will be given a list of current assessments, BE SURE TO SELECT THE RIGHT ASSESSMENT! Once selected, you can browse and attach the relevant file and click ‘Upload’.

Please be sure to remember that once an assessment is uploaded, uploading a new assessment will replace the previous assessment and there will be no longer be a record of it in the portal. It is your responsibility to maintain proper records of all assessments submitted. We recommend that you keep a copy on your computer and on a USB stick or other data storage device.

Contact Details

This option of the Student menu allows you to make changes to your personal contact information when necessary, (e.g. moving house, new mobile number, etc). Please be sure that your details on the Portal are accurate.

NB: It is a requirement for ALL students on a Student Visa to report any change in contact details to the College within 7 days.

General Information

Most forms that may be necessary throughout semester are located on the Portal for your convenience under ‘General Information’. Forms such as a request for Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) or Complaints and Appeals forms are available for you here.


After enrolment, your personal timetable will appear in the ‘Timetable’ option of the toolbar. You will be able to view your own subjects, along with the semester timetable of those subjects. You will also see a list containing the time and date of any classes missed. You will need to speak to your tutorial leader to rectify these absences.


All rent and fee payments may be tracked through the ‘Invoices’ option. It shows the invoice number, date of payment and any outstanding fees or rent. Please be sure to monitor your own payment schedule.


This option enables you to view class notes, power point slides from lecture, and your results from assessments. Select the appropriate Semester and Subject to view this information.

Once a subject is selected, you can view whether your assessments are Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). To view the details and also any comments made by the person marking the assessment select the following:

  1. Select the subject the assessment is under. Click on the Result Sheet for the assessment.
  2. A pdf file will open which clarifies the assessment criteria with a C or an NYC next to each criteria, and then also provides space for comments from the person marking. 
  3. It is important to read through the entire Subject Assessment Detail to determine what portion of your assessment may need to be rectified. If you have any questions about your assessments, or any portions of your assessment, which are not yet competent, please see your tutorial leader.

Challenges with the Portal

If you have any queries or challenges logging onto the Portal, please email your full name, password, and a short description of the problem (and a screen shot where possible) to , and one of the team can assist you further.

Password Changes

Once you have logged in, you can change your password to something you will remember easily. To do this click on the ‘Security’ menu button, then select ‘Change Password’ and follow the prompts.

Calendars and Timetables

All calendars and timetables can be found on the Student Portal. Carefully check the appropriate calendar for your academic program.

Student Behaviour

Students are expected to abide by the Student Code of Conduct, the College’s Attendance and Academic policies, and the guidelines contained in the Student Handbook, during the period of their enrolment at College.

In cases where a student consistently or seriously fails to abide by these behavioural standards, a Behavioural Intervention program will be implemented. This program and its duration will be developed by the student’s tutorial leader, in consultation with the Campus Manager, and a member of the Student Support Office. The program will include one or more of the following, and will be implemented with the student by their tutorial leader:

  • Advising on the appropriateness of their study at the College or in their chosen course
  • Referral to and attendance at counselling sessions with a member of College staff, appropriate church department or a professional counsellor
  • Accountable adherence to the College’s published behavioural requirements
  • Attendance at additional personal development programs (such as Hillsong Life Courses)
  • Establishing appropriate behavioural boundaries to ensure the health, safety or wellbeing of other students, staff members or Church members, or to protect the reputation of Hillsong Church or the College
  • Mentoring or coaching by their tutor or another pastor or church leader
  • Changing tutorials, classes, accommodation or campuses
  • Referral to an external support agency or professional
  • A combination of the above

The Behavioural Intervention program will be documented. Copies will be signed by the student, the tutorial leader, and campus manager. A copy will be given to the student and also placed in the student’s file. By signing the form, the student agrees to abide by the conditions. Failure to comply could lead to the student being withdrawn from College, and international students being reported to DIBP resulting in their visa being cancelled, depending on the outcome of any appeals process.

The program will be reviewed monthly by the tutorial leader unless more frequent review is deemed necessary during the consultation process.

Students whose behaviour is considered to endanger the wellbeing of other students on the campus will be referred to the Principal and may be suspended from study and asked to leave College premises and/or College housing until the matter is resolved. In extreme cases e.g. criminal activity, the Principal may immediately terminate the students’ enrolment without the implementation of an intervention program.

If the student believes that the Behavioural Intervention program is inappropriate or a breach of access and equity, they may appeal the decision within 20 days using the Complaints and Appeals process.

Failure to Comply and Withdrawal from College

When a student fails to meet the requirements of their Behavioural Intervention program, a process to withdraw them from the course will be instituted. This will include, after consultation between their tutorial leader, the Campus Manager, Principal, and the Registrar.

The student will be advised in writing by the Registrar that they are being withdrawn from the course using the standard Notification of Pending Breach letter (International or Domestic students). They will have 20 working days to appeal the decision using the College’s Complaints and Appeals process.

The student will be withdrawn from College immediately in cases where the student:

  • has chosen not to access the Complaints and Appeals processes within the 20 working day period,
  • withdraws from the process, or
  • the process is completed and results in a decision that the student’s appeal was unsuccessful.

For international students studying in Australia, this will include reporting to DIBP via PRISMS by the Admissions Coordinator as soon as possible. This will mean that the international student’s visa will be revoked.


Library services are available at both City and Hills Campus.

The library lending service is free and available to all students undertaking subjects for credit. The library is there for your benefit so please take care of the books you borrow and return promptly so other students may also benefit from our resources. Library facilities include computers with internet access on the Windows platform equipped with Office products (Word, Excel, etc.). There are also scanners, copiers and printers available for student use (see conditions below).

Please do not ask Library or Reception staff or any other area of the church for your personal stationery needs (pens, highlighters, scissors, notebooks, etc.).

We suggest you purchase a small pencil case from the local supermarket or news agency, at the beginning of the semester and fill it with any stationary you may need such as a stapler, pens, pencils, highlighters, scissors, notebooks, etc.

Food and drinks are not permitted in the Library. Please respect other students’ desire to study in a peaceful and clean environment.

Hours (during the semester)

The library is closed during Chapel, Hillsong Men and Sisterhood, church, and all-campus activities.  Library hours will be posted at the commencement of each semester. Library hours are 9am-5pm, however as we build a volunteer team (which you could be involved in) the hours will expand to include evenings. Summer hours vary depending on need and volunteers available for the Hills Campus. There are no summer hours for the City Campus or Phoenix Campus.


The number of books permitted for borrowing is ten (both campuses): this is displayed in the library borrowing area. Students will receive emails when their books are borrowed, due, and weekly if overdue. The general length of borrowing is two weeks.  For degree students, it is four weeks. Books can be renewed up to 2 times, and renewals must be done before the books are due. Otherwise, students will need to come into the library.

Borrowing Procedures:

  • Students can borrow items only on their own personal student’s card.
  • Reference books (from the shelves marked “Reference” and “Not for Loan”) may NOT be borrowed or taken from the Library.
  • Books awaiting ‘return’ and ‘processing’ may not be removed from work area without permission of Library Desk attendant.
  • No books may be removed from the Library premises without first having been processed by the Librarian/assistant/practicum student/volunteer.
  • Returns:
    • City Campus: Students are required to scan their books back into the library system when they return and then place the books on the return trolley.
    • Hills Campus: Books must be returned to returns box inside the library during library opening hours.  Please do not leave returns on the desk or place on “Re-shelving trolley” this is for books used while in the library only.
    • Phoenix Campus: Students are required to scan their books back into the library system when they return and then place the books on the return trolley.


Fines apply for overdue books. Fines accrue at the rate of $1.00 per day per item. Once the total amount reaches $30/per resource the existing fine will be changed to a replacement fee if the book is valued above $30. If it is not, the fine will remain as the $30 late fine. If the borrower returns the resource, the replacement fee will be reverted to the $30 late fine. Borrowing will be suspended until overdue items are returned, and fines exceeding $25.00 are paid. All library fines and books must be paid and returned in order for a student to be eligible to graduate.

Lost Books

If loans are not returned within this 30-day working period, the item is considered lost, and the student will be billed for the replacement of the book as well as for fines and processing fees. All lost book costs must be paid before Graduation.


Every student undertaking studies for credit can gain access to computer facilities/internet in the library. This is completely free of charge.

The College reserves the right to withhold computer use from students who have been deemed to be using the facility in an unhealthy and inappropriate manner.


Keys for the Mac Lab (TV students only) can be requested from the TV stream
trainers in order to access the Mac Lab for editing.

Printing and Photocopying

All printing and photocopying are free for Hillsong College students undertaking studies for credit. Please be mindful of excess paper usage by printing double
sided when possible and test printing/photocopying large documents.

Scanning documents to send to your email address

Scanning documents to send to your email address on the main library Printer is free for all Hillsong College students undertaking studies for credit.


At the end of each year, the College celebrates graduation at the Graduation Ceremony. Attendance of the Graduation Ceremony, and scheduled rehearsals is expected for all students (graduating and continuing). Furthermore, students are expected not to leave for holidays until after Graduation week has concluded (Refer to the College Calendar). Graduating students must still notify their intent to graduate at the ceremony.

To be eligible to graduate, a student must:

  • complete and pass all the necessary subjects and assessments
  • have satisfactory attendance at College activities
  • pay student fees, rent and library fines in full by the last week of semester
  • return all library books
  • have previously supplied their USI (Unique Student Identifier) number to the Registrar Dept via the student portal (The College will not issue any certificates to students without obtaining a verified USI for the individual according to the requirements set out in the Student Identifiers Act 2014.)

The dress code for the Graduation Ceremony is semi-formal. Students will not be able to participate in the Ceremony if dressed inappropriately. Higher Ed students will be required to wear Regalia and given information about Regalia hire in their invitation to graduate.

General Information

Change of Contact Details

If you change your address or contact details during the year, you must notify the College office within 7 days by changing your contact details on the Student Portal. This assists us with official correspondence, mail-outs and helps us to keep in touch with you.

International students studying in Australia must note that notifying the College within 7 days of the change of contact details is a requirement set by DIBP. If you fail to notify the College of the change in your contact details, you will be in breach of your visa conditions.

College Housing

For those students who are living in College housing, it is necessary to keep up to date with rental payments. If students do not pay their rent on time, they will be asked to leave college housing or be suspended from college until their rent is paid

For all college housing issues and payments, students may contact the accommodations office [Hills], [City].

Head Students

The Principal of the College appoints Head Students who will hold their position for up to one year. Head students are there to assist and care for other students and should consider themselves a line of communication between staff and the students. They are also to assist with student participation in the special activities of the College. Please feel free to speak with them at any time and they will endeavour to direct you to the appropriate person or department.

Work Health and Safety (WHS)

Hillsong Church and College recognises its moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy environment for everyone attending or working within our buildings and will endeavour to ensure they do nothing to place themselves or the local community at risk of injury or illness. There is still the need for the staff and students to be aware of their surroundings and generally take care when on the premises. The Occupational Health & Safety Policy is available on

Some moving of furniture will be required as a part of the day-to-day operation of the College. Chair trolleys are provided to assist with the removal of chairs. Students should be aware that closed-toed shoes are required when performing any practical ministry activities such as movement of chairs, tables, equipment, and any platform-related ministry.

OH&S Incident/Injury

If an accident occurs on the College or Church premises, the appropriate medical attention must be sought immediately. If needed, the number for the State Emergency Services (police, fire dept. or ambulance) is 000. Once the situation has been dealt with, an “Incident Report” must be completed online at (

Expectation of Students

Dating and Relationships

While attending College, the primary purpose of students should be to successfully prepare for ministry and leadership. This will only be achieved by focusing on this goal. Hence our general preference is that students do not date while studying at College.

While it is possible that some students may find their life partner while at College, dating is not permitted between full-time college students until after the first semester of study. After this time, dating between full-time college students is permissible only with the consent of the Principal or Tutorial Leader. If a relationship between students ends, there is to be a 3-month period before entering a new one.

Any commencement of a relationship between a full-time student and a non-college person, within the year of study, should be prayerfully considered and it is required that students speak to their Tutorial Leader first.


Students must abstain from alcohol for the duration of their studies at Hillsong College.


Smoking and or the consumption of any illegal substances is not permitted.

Kitchen Facilities

  • City Campus – The kitchen beside the second auditorium is for student use. Students will be appointed to clean it on a DAILY basis. All other kitchens in the building are for staff use only.
  • Hills Campus – The kitchen outside the library in of the Convention Centre and select kitchenettes in Epicentre are available for student use during class breaks.  It is the student’s responsibility to ensure this is left clean.  All other kitchens in the building are for staff use only.
  • Phoenix Campus – The kitchen on the basement level is available for student use. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure it is left clean. All other kitchenettes on property are for staff use only.

Living Arrangements

Students’ behaviour in their home environment is to reflect the Christian character and philosophy of the College. Any students found to be acting contrary to this will be spoken to per the disciplinary procedures outlined in this handbook.

Marital Status

Any student wishing to change their marital status (engagement, marriage, divorce, separation, etc.) for any reason while enrolled at College, are required to speak to the Principal immediately.

Furthermore, experience has shown us that students who get engaged while at College find it difficult to complete their course. Therefore we require that students wanting to get engaged while enrolled in College must discuss their plans first with the Principal.

Nation Builders

At College, we are fully committed to the Great Commission and working towards its fulfilment. Hillsong Church has a very strong outreach commitment through Hillsong City Care, Teen Challenge, Hillsong TV, and church plants in over 50 countries. The College plays an integral part in Nation Builders giving, and we take a weekly offering towards these programs. As College students, be prepared to sow not only into the outreach endeavours of Hillsong Church but into the very heartbeat of God – “that none should perish.”

Personal Prayer and Devotions

As a student committed to training for ministry, you should establish a daily time of prayer and Bible reading. This is a vital part of your spiritual development and preparation for ministry and should be a time you set apart from the rest of your day, for just you and God. Do not confuse it with times set apart for meetings, study or other church-related activities as these things will not provide the same foundation for your life as your relationship with God.


No pets are allowed on the College property or in student houses.


No student is permitted to use an office phone for personal calls.  All mobile phones are to be turned off during all classes.

Practice Facilities

Keyboards, pianos, and drum kits are available for student practice. Rooms can be booked via our College reception at both the Hills and City Campus.

Recording Classes

In general, recording (audio or video) of classes is not permitted. However, under special circumstances, by prior approval from the Principal/lecturer or Tutorial Leader, recording may be permitted, but then only for personal use, and not for distribution to other persons.


Taking up of donations, personal or work-related fund-raising, or selling of merchandise is not permitted in the environment of Hillsong College/Church.

Study and Homework

Every student is expected to study or complete homework regularly. Each subject will have its own recommended reading list that we strongly encourage you to explore and take advantage of. Students are expected to add to their classwork with their extended reading program. Let College be an opportunity to broaden your knowledge and understanding in new and exciting areas. The library staff and trainers are there to assist each student to fulfil this vision and to direct their reading. Internet access is also available for further research.


Students wanting friends and relatives to attend a class MUST FIRST obtain permission from the relevant Campus Manager before inviting them to attend a lecture. Once permission is obtained, students are to introduce their guests to lecturers.

Counselling & Pastoral Care

The College places emphasis on building believers who are mature and effective in every sphere of life. To this end, there are a number of ways that we can help students work through personal issues they may be facing.

If you find that you need pastoral care assistance, counselling or prayer, please follow these avenues:

  • Contact your tutorial leader.
  • Hillsong Church Pastoral team: some of our Hillsong Church Pastoral Care team are also available to see students via appointment or your own pastoral network if you attend another local church. In order to organise an appointment contact the campus Pastoral Care administrator via the local campus Reception area.

If professional counselling services are required, you will be referred to our College counsellors or by the college (or other pastoral staff) to Christian counsellors that partner with Hillsong Church and College.

Students receiving counselling will be required to sign a Consent Form, and all information provided by the student will remain strictly confidential and will not be released to any person outside the College Executive without the student’s written permission (which is NOT given by the signing of the Consent Form).

Complaints, Concerns & Suggestions

Complaints, Concerns & Suggestions

This is your college and we desire to create an environment in which students flourish and learn to the best of their potential. This means that we are open and committed to receiving and acting upon suggestions, complaints and reports of concerns. We have mechanisms available for each of these.

Reporting a Concern
Sometimes a student may have a serious concern about part of the College or church experience that they wish to be independently and confidentially investigated. We appreciate the need for safety, privacy and effective processes in these matters. Hillsong has several key policies and reporting mechanisms that can be found here.

Complaints and Appeals
For appeals relating to specific assessment results, see the ‘Assessment Appeals’ policy. For all other matters, including discipline, finances, and interpersonal issues, the following steps apply:

  • The student should first discuss the issue with his/her tutorial leader. (Students need to feel free to discuss any issues about any College related matter with their tutorial leaders.)
  • If the issue cannot be resolved informally in these initial discussions, the student should lodge a formal complaint or appeal. This is done by downloading, completing and submitting a Complaints or Appeals form, available on the Student Portal. These forms must be submitted within 20 days of the initial complaint/appeal.
  • Once the student completes the Complaints or Appeals form, they must submit the form to the Campus Manager. The College Executive Team will review the complaint/appeal within 10 working days of receipt of the form and will take all reasonable measures to finalise the process as soon as practicable.
  • As the College Executive Team processes the complaint, the student has the opportunity to formally present their case to the team at no cost to themself.
  • If a student chooses to access the complaints and appeals process, HILC will maintain the student’s enrolment while the complaint/appeal process is ongoing.  To “maintain the student’s enrolment” means that the College does not notify DIBP of any change to the student’s enrolment status through PRISMS.
  • Students are also permitted to bring to any meetings, a person of their choice as moral support.
  • If the College cannot resolve the issues to the satisfaction of all parties, an independent arbitrator will be asked to oversee the case. The College has arrangements in place for independent arbitration. However please note that students have the right to have their complaint/appeal heard by an independent arbitrator at any time.
  • A student can request for an independent arbitrator to be involved. These services are provided by the Overseas Students Ombudsman for international students or the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for domestic students.
  • The cost of having an independent arbitrator involved will be borne mostly by the College. An amount from $0 up to $50 may be passed on to the student. The student will be advised of this prior to any cost being incurred.
  • If the internal or any external complaint/appeal handling process results in a decision that supports the student, HILC must immediately implement any decision and/or corrective and preventative action required and advises the student of the outcome.
  • The outcome will be communicated in writing to the student.
  • If the student is not happy with the outcome they can contact the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) 1300 701 801 or email on or the Educations Services for Overseas Students Helpline (02) 6240 5069. Alternatively, the Ombudsman’s office in each state can be accessed.

The availability of complaints and appeals processes does not remove the right of the student to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.


The College welcomes any practical suggestions or ideas from students that will assist the improvement of the college. If you do have any constructive feedback, please speak with the Head Students, email (Hills), (City), (USA), or make an appointment with a staff member. Appointments can be arranged via email or through the College Office.

Contact Points
All appointments with college staff are usually made via email. Staff members are available to assist students in a variety of areas. Individual email addresses are available in the staff directory at the beginning of this document. Make an appointment with the following:

  • Pastoral, academic, financial and enrolment issues – Tutorial leaders
  • Academic issues – Trainers, Tutorial Leaders
  • Housing issues – Accommodation Co-ordinator
  • Student Visa/International Student issues – International Student Contact Officer

Student Code of Conduct

One of the College’s most important goals is to facilitate the growth and development of Christian character in line with biblical principles. The College also seeks to build a safe and healthy community that supports and fosters the well-being and growth of each student. Furthermore, the College is a member of its local community and connected to the world at large, seeking to reflect the love and character of God and enact the commission of his church. It is expected, therefore, that College students live in such a manner that brings glory to Christ in their behaviour and attitudes both inside and outside College settings.

Since students are also being trained for Christian ministry, and are engaged in ministry as part of their course, it is expected that they will conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the moral, ethical and behavioural standards expected of Christian leaders and ministers, and the churches in which they are ministering and being trained. With these issues in mind, the College expects students to conduct themselves in a way that reflects the moral and ethical standards generally required of ministers in like-minded churches, and by Australian Christian Churches (Assemblies of God in Australia) in particular, the denomination with which Hillsong is affiliated within Australia.

The College also operates as an accredited educational institution that conducts its training and assessment in line with generally accepted standards of academic quality and integrity. Students are expected to engage in their studies in line with these standards.

Therefore each student is expected to:

  • Adopt attitudes (such as generosity, love, humility, forgiveness, fair-mindedness and inclusivity) and behaviour (such as confidentiality, peacemaking, positivity and encouragement) that promote the unity and health of the College body.
  • Show respect and consideration for other members of the student body and their property.
  • Show respect for staff and faculty and co-operate with the aims, witness, culture and endeavours of the College and Hillsong Church. This includes not engaging in advocacy for positions or causes contrary to those held by the College or Hillsong Church.
  • Attend all prescribed College classes, ministry sessions and activities required by the College program unless formally excused (on a compassionate basis).
  • Engage in honest academic practices as outlined in the Academic Misconduct policy (see Academic Policies and Procedures).
  • Be neat, clean and modestly dressed.
  • Abstain from biblically immoral practices including: drunkenness, illicit drug use, criminal behaviour, stealing, slanderous or profane language, dishonesty, occult practices, sexual sins or any other behaviour that is considered detrimental or contrary to Christian character and witness.
  • Refrain from bringing firearms into Hillsong Church and College facilities and accommodation.
  • Abstain from alcohol and smoking (including vaping) for the duration of studies at College (This applies to all college breaks, including those between finishing one course and commencing another.)
  • Follow the guidelines in the Student Handbook.

Like Christian churches throughout history and across the globe, both Hillsong College and Hillsong Church affirm the biblical understanding of sexuality as a gift from God, expressed through purity in singleness and faithfulness in marriage between a man and a woman. Students are expected to adopt practices and viewpoints that reflect this understanding. (See Hillsong Collected for a statement on these matters).

The College will provide the framework and support needed to facilitate personal growth. If students find that they are genuinely struggling with personal, pastoral, or academic issues we advise they speak to College staff for counsel, support and, where needed, correction to the situation. Behaviour that fails to comply with the Student Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action (see Student Behaviour and Course Progress Policy). Any behaviour that compromises the welfare of other students will result in immediate termination of enrolment.

Since it reflects the standards expected by churches of those in ministry, behaving and ministering consistently with the Student Code of Conduct is also a requirement for several assessments across the College’s courses. Breaching this Code will result in a student being judged as Not Yet Competent for the relevant subjects/ units/assessments. A student will subsequently need to provide verifiable evidence of meeting the requirements of the Code of Conduct for a reasonable period in order to achieve Competence.

Access and Equity Policy

Hillsong College is committed to equal opportunity in all areas of its operation. Access to the programs delivered by the College is open to all candidates with a sense of divine calling on their life, regardless of age, gender, race, national background, marital status, pregnancy, socio-economic background, or physical disability.[1]

The College has clear guidelines on the use of non-discriminatory language. Both staff and students are to avoid language in speech and in written communication that discriminates, stereotypes, or denigrates people on the basis of their sex, age, race, marital status, ethnicity, linguistic or religious background.

There is instruction for use of non-discriminatory language within assignments provided in the Assessment Guide of the Student Handbook.

[1] Copies of the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 are available through NSW legislation