Marketing of Education & Training Services

  1. The College markets its courses with integrity and accuracy; avoiding vague, misleading and ambiguous clauses.
  2. In the provision of information, no false or misleading comparisons are drawn with any other educational institution or course.
  3. The College markets its courses in accordance with the principles and requirements of the accrediting or endorsing bodies relevant to each course.
  4. The College markets its courses to international students according to the education, cultural and regulatory systems of countries in which they seek to market, and will not detract from the reputation and interests of other Australian institutions.
  5. The College gains written permission from students before using any personal information in marketing materials.

Marketing and Advertising

All forms of advertising and marketing are designed in line with the spirit and vision of Hillsong Church and accurately present the College and its courses.

The Marketing Approval form is used as a checklist to ensure compliance with SNR standards, CRICOS requirements and consistency in design and communication of College goals and ethos.

All new marketing materials are to be co-signed by the Brand Manager and another member of the College Executive Team.



Clarity of communication is essential between staff and students in order to facilitate smooth operations in the College. It is also necessary that written communication aligns to the spirit and ethos of Hillsong Church. To that end, the following applies:

External communications (e.g. Bulk emails to prospective and new students) must be checked by the Brand Manager prior to sending.

Internal communications to more than 20 people (e.g. Emails to students in a class, Emails to students in a campus) must be checked by your immediate supervisor and/or Principal.

Checks are made to ensure that appropriate language is used, including grammatical expression, technical issues, clarity and positive spirit. Continue reading “Communications”