Children in Classrooms

Children are not permitted in classrooms as Hillsong College is set up as an adult learning environment and not suitable for children. One off occurrence requests will be considered for school-aged children upon submission to the campus Campus Dean. These type of requests will only be considered under special one off circumstances

International Admissions

International Students

 As an international training institution, the College is well equipped to provide for and international students.

The College has procedures in place that ensures compliance with the ESOS Act 2000.

Admissions Process
The admission of the international students is the responsibility of the Admissions Co-ordinator who also fulfils the responsibilities of the International Student Contact Officer.

  1. Enquiries
    Send out an enquiry pack about Hillsong in response to enquiries by phone or email. This includes the College Prospectus and Hillsong Church information.
    Forward academic enquiries of students to faculty members.
  2. Offer of Place
    Processing of applications.
    Send Offer of Place to successful applicants.
    Arrivals and Accommodation Guide
  3. Arrival
    The arrival of students to the College is facilitated by the Accommodation Team.
    Hills : A shuttle bus is organised to the Hills campus from the airport and new students are met by the Student Housing Co-ordinator and their student team. Students are taken from the College campus to their accommodation and are given practical assistance in the early stages of settling in (e.g. Visit to the supermarket for groceries) from the new student welcome team.
    City: Students catch a taxi from the airport or are encouraged to find suitable transportation from the airport to the College City campus.

Continue reading “International Admissions”

Changing Campuses

Changing Campuses

Students apply using the ‘Change of Enrolment’ form to the College Registrar Department. The College Registrar Department will inform the Campus Managers and stream heads of both campuses. If there is no issue flagged, they will proceed with the change of campus implementation on the CollegeWorx system.

If the student is in college accommodation, then the Accommodation Co-ordinator will be informed, as it needs their release as well.

Availability of Staff to Students

Availability of Staff to Students

Student Support Officer:
All trainers/lecturers take on this role; and are there to connect students to information and services that will assist them to deal with study and personal issues that arise during study.

Part time and full time trainers/lecturers are available for formal and informal meetings at regular times. Students can access faculty during break times or by appointment.

Part-time staff are usually on campus a couple of times a week.

Outside scheduled delivery times, students may contact trainers/lecturers, including part time and casual staff via email to schedule appointments or voice concerns.

In the case where more than one trainer/lecturer has input into the delivery of a subject, there is a co-ordinator who assists students in regards to orientation with the subject and assessment.

Relocation of Premises

Relocation of Premises

In the event of a relocation or addition of premises for classes, students will be notified in writing by the Principal a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the relocation occurring. The Compliance Manager will notify ASQA in the event of venue relocation through the appropriate channels.

Dissemination of Policies

Dissemination of Policies

Students are informed of relevant policies, procedures and programs that include policies and procedures for handling appeals and complaints through the Student Handbook. Students are kept aware of updates on these policies through the orientation programs and student information sheets. Daily Chapel times are also used to give announcements relating to College policy as the need arises.

Student’s Rights & Treatment

Students’ Rights and Treatment

The College is committed to protecting the rights and treatment of students. The College policy relating to managing students is outlined in the Staff Code of Conduct. All faculty and support staff are required to treat all students fairly, consistently and without discrimination.

Students are expected to adhere to the certain behavioural standards as outlined in the Student Handbook. In cases where standards are contravened, the Disciplinary Policies apply to ensure consistency and fairness in the carrying out of discipline. Students are also given opportunity to voice their complaints and concerns according to the Complaints and Appeals Policy.

Students are informed of relevant policies, rights and responsibilities through the College Prospectus, the Application Acceptance Pack and the Student Handbook. Students are kept aware of updates on these policies through the orientation programs, the Head Students and student information sheets.

Continue reading “Student’s Rights & Treatment”

Critical Incident

Critical incidents

As a provider of education to overseas students, the college is required by legislation to have policy and procedures, which outline the action to be taken in the event of a critical incident.  This includes initial response, follow-up, reporting, review and improvement.  The aim is to continue college operations as quickly and smoothly after a critical incident with the safety and well being of students, staff and families as the priority.

A critical incident means a traumatic event, which may cause or is likely to cause extreme physical and/or emotional distress to staff, students and other workers or visitors to the college.  Minor injuries, plumbing blockages, phone/electrical failure are not critical incidents.

Example of critical incidents may include: Continue reading “Critical Incident”



Clarity of communication is essential between staff and students in order to facilitate smooth operations in the College. It is also necessary that written communication aligns to the spirit and ethos of Hillsong Church. To that end, the following applies:

External communications (e.g. Bulk emails to prospective and new students) must be checked by the Brand Manager prior to sending.

Internal communications to more than 20 people (e.g. Emails to students in a class, Emails to students in a campus) must be checked by your immediate supervisor and/or Principal.

Checks are made to ensure that appropriate language is used, including grammatical expression, technical issues, clarity and positive spirit. Continue reading “Communications”

Risk Management

Risk Identification and Management

This procedure describes the process by which we identify and manage risks concerned with quality control and compliance with SNR Standards for Registered Training Organisations.

Each member of the Executive Team is responsible for completing and reviewing Risk associated within their oversight on an annual basis.

The implementation of this policy and its associated procedures may be delegated to the training and administrative staff who are responsible for reporting to the Executive regarding the organisation’s risk status. Continue reading “Risk Management”