Course Development

Course Development

The College has as one of its key goals the development and provision of high quality training and assessment, for domestic and international students, in a range of ministry fields, and at a range of levels. The development and delivery of such courses involves the following activities:

Delivery and Assessment Strategies. The framework for all courses will be articulated in a delivery and assessment strategy, that describes:

The qualifications delivered by the College, and in what specialisations (if any).

The units required to achieve each qualification

The clustering of units into stream or specialisations

The relationship between the units that make up each qualification, the subjects in which the units will be delivered and assessed, and the sequencing of such subjects.

The nominal hours for each unit, the delivery methods used, the resources required, the trainers required, the trainer: student ratio required, the assessment methods to be used.

The relationship between units, delivery methods and any work placements. Continue reading “Course Development”

Risk Management

Risk Identification and Management

This procedure describes the process by which we identify and manage risks concerned with quality control and compliance with Standards for Registered Training Organisations.

Each member of the Executive Team is responsible for completing and reviewing Risk associated within their oversight on an annual basis.

The implementation of this policy and its associated procedures may be delegated to the training and administrative staff who are responsible for reporting to the Executive regarding the organisation’s risk status. Continue reading “Risk Management”


Liaising with regulators

In carrying out its operations, the College will need to liaise with various regulators and government instrumentalities. Depending on the issue, the legislation and regulations, and the relevant government body, liaising with regulators is generally done by one of the following officers:

Academic Dean – ASQA, CRICOS, DEWR
Business Manager – TPS
Head of Student Services – DoHA, PRISMS

In particular, the Academic Dean is responsible for liaising with state and federal agencies in relation to the College’s registration as a Registered Training Organisation and as a CRICOS provider, and the accreditation of its courses. The Academic Dean is especially responsible to: Continue reading “Regulators”


Relevant Legislation

This RTO identifies and complies with relevant Commonwealth, State and Territory legislative and regulatory requirements including the following:
Disability Service Act 1993
Racial Discrimination Act 1975
Sex Discrimination Act 1984
Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1987
Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012
Long Service Leave Act 1955 No38 (NSW)
Workers Compensation Act 1987 No70 (NSW)
Superannuation Act 2005
Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 No51 (NSW)
Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 No157
Copyright Act 1968
National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000
Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 – National Code 2007 (7 March 2007)
Privacy Act 1988
Freedom of Information Act 1982
Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 No48 (NSW)
Work Health and Safety Act 2011

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulations 2003

Staff are made aware of legislative requirements through the induction process.

Continue reading “Legislation”

Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Where the course does not run, the tuition fees will be refunded in full, in line with the provisions of the ESOS Act 2000 and the ESOS Regulations 2001.

Where a stream does not run, students have the opportunity to transfer to another stream, or withdraw and request a refund of course fees that have been paid.

Where the student withdraws prior to the course commencement, the course fees will be refunded in full.

Where the student withdraws after the commencement of the course, course fees for current term/semester and incidental fees will not be refunded. Fees for subsequent terms/semesters will be fully refundable.

Students are required to apply in writing for fee refunds.

All applications for refunds will be processed in 28 days from the day of application.

The Australian Government has implemented legislation to protect and assist students in the unlikely event that the College ceases operations and is unable to deliver its courses. Continue reading “Refund Policy”

Fees Policy

Fee Payments

It is essential that students uphold their financial responsibilities during their time at College. The following applies to all students:

Students are responsible to ensure that all fees are paid promptly.

Students will not be permitted to enrol until their semester fees have been paid or a payment plan has been setup.

Students wanting to extend their studies will not be permitted to do so if they have not paid their current semester’s fees or any arrears in rent.

Fees can be paid by cheque, credit card, debit card or BPAY. Payment by cash is not available.

Fees are to be paid in accordance with the available Payment Options (for Domestic or International Students)

Continue reading “Fees Policy”

Privacy and Confidentiality


A comprehensive copy of Hillsong Church’s privacy policy is available for perusal on the Hillsong Church website at: Privacy Policy

The policy statements are to be used on all Hillsong College communication devices according to the following scenarios:

Option 1:
When you are asking people for personal information, such as name, phone number, email address i.e. Conference Registration form…

Text to be included:
Our privacy policy is available at – we may utilise your information to notify you of news at Hillsong and provide it to third parties who help us provide services to you. To request access to your information, email Continue reading “Privacy and Confidentiality”

Document Version Control

All documents relating to College matters will be continually revised and updated in accord with our Continuous Improvement policy. These include documents such as the Policy and Procedures Manual, Student Handbook, Trainers/Lecturers handbook, Course Documents, learning and assessment materials and various procedural forms. The latest versions of these documents will be the appropriate ones to use and will supersede previous versions.

In order to maintain appropriate use of the latest version throughout the systems of the College, the following applies:

Documents such as memos, letters, directives, etc are all to be dated.

For documents obtained externally (e.g. Training packages) the version control used by the publisher applies.

A version number is clearly identified on all documents, with the organisational standard being vYYMMDD

Changes to documents requires authorisation by the appropriate member of the Executive Team.

Changes to documents will be communicated clearly in writing to Staff, trainers and marketing students as appropriate. The nature of the revision and the new document version number will be clearly stated along with the directive that any previous versions of the document are invalid and should not be used.

Continue reading “Document Version Control”