Children are not permitted in classrooms as Hillsong College is set up as an adult learning environment and not suitable for children. One off occurrence requests will be considered for school-aged children upon submission to the campus Campus Dean. These type of requests will only be considered under special one off circumstances
CRICOS Registration
The College’s current registration with CRICOS includes:
Registration as a Registered Training Organisation to provide 3 accredited courses:
Approval for student numbers permitted to study.
Approval of delivery sites for CRICOS courses
Review and Amendments
The Compliance Manager/Academic Dean advises CRICOS of any changes to the academic program as they occur.
International Students
As an international training institution, the College is well equipped to provide for and international students.
The College has procedures in place that ensures compliance with the ESOS Act 2000.
Admissions Process
The admission of the international students is the responsibility of the Admissions Co-ordinator who also fulfils the responsibilities of the International Student Contact Officer.
Student Admissions
Applications for study at the College are processed promptly by the admissions staff with the highest degree of customer service. Applications are not accepted more than one year in advance due to the likelihood of changes in course/fees.
Meeting Entry Requirements
Requirements for entry are clearly outlined in the College marketing material. Prospective students provide full information upon application which includes personal details, Christian life details, educational qualifications (including Year 12 results for Bachelor level students and evidence of satisfactory Academic IELTS score, or similar evidence showing capabilities in the English language for international students of whom English is not their first language), character references (including a Pastoral Reference Form), work history during the last five years, criminal history, medical details including learning difficulties and financial declarations.
This information is then used to complete an Application Checklist by the Admissions Team to ascertain the suitability of the applicant and to detect any potential disabilities or difficulties that may affect their studies. The Pastoral Reference Form is particularly important in this process. Continue reading “Student Admissions”
Under 18 Support
Hillsong College does not actively seek to recruit students under 18 years old. 18 is the minimum age requirement for students entering the course however the college is occasionally approached by individuals meeting all of the other entry requirements.
The College will accept domestic students in Australia who are 17 years of age upon a case by case basis. This is in recognition of the following;
Transfers to and From Other Providers
The transfer of international students to and from HC is regulated by ESOS legislation and its corresponding National Code. The College’s policy on this issue falls under two headings:
Transfers to HC from Other Providers
The College will not actively recruit international students from other providers during their first six months of study. The College will not knowingly enrol an international student from another registered training provider prior to the student completing the first six months in their principal course of study with that provider. The only time the College will do this is if:
In cases where an international student who has been studying elsewhere in Australia applies for enrolment, the Admissions officer will check on PRISMS if student has completed six months in principal course.
Changing Campuses
Students apply using the ‘Change of Enrolment’ form to the College Registrar Department. The College Registrar Department will inform the Campus Managers and stream heads of both campuses. If there is no issue flagged, they will proceed with the change of campus implementation on the CollegeWorx system.
If the student is in college accommodation, then the Accommodation Co-ordinator will be informed, as it needs their release as well.
Availability of Staff to Students
Student Support Officer:
All trainers/lecturers take on this role; and are there to connect students to information and services that will assist them to deal with study and personal issues that arise during study.
Part time and full time trainers/lecturers are available for formal and informal meetings at regular times. Students can access faculty during break times or by appointment.
Part-time staff are usually on campus a couple of times a week.
Outside scheduled delivery times, students may contact trainers/lecturers, including part time and casual staff via email to schedule appointments or voice concerns.
In the case where more than one trainer/lecturer has input into the delivery of a subject, there is a co-ordinator who assists students in regards to orientation with the subject and assessment.
Tutorial comments are entered in the Portal under the ‘Contacts’ tab on the left hand side of the screen.
Contact the Campus Dean if you require assistance with how to enter tutorial comments.