Clarity of Contracts

Clarity of Contracts

The College provides complete disclosure of the conditions of contracts entered into with the students upon entrance into Courses. This is provided via the College Prospectus, Acceptance Pack and Student Handbook when students are accepted by the College. Also clear details of course costs, standards of conduct, and program requirements are stated in the College prospectus prior to acceptance and enrolment.  This includes financial and ministry related obligations such as weekend ministry, small group involvement, and other College involvement.

Relocation of Premises

Relocation of Premises

In the event of a relocation or addition of premises for classes, students will be notified in writing by the Principal a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the relocation occurring. The Compliance Manager will notify ASQA in the event of venue relocation through the appropriate channels.

Dissemination of Policies

Dissemination of Policies

Students are informed of relevant policies, procedures and programs that include policies and procedures for handling appeals and complaints through the Student Handbook. Students are kept aware of updates on these policies through the orientation programs and student information sheets. Daily Chapel times are also used to give announcements relating to College policy as the need arises.

Student’s Rights & Treatment

Students’ Rights and Treatment

The College is committed to protecting the rights and treatment of students. The College policy relating to managing students is outlined in the Staff Code of Conduct. All faculty and support staff are required to treat all students fairly, consistently and without discrimination.

Students are expected to adhere to the certain behavioural standards as outlined in the Student Handbook. In cases where standards are contravened, the Disciplinary Policies apply to ensure consistency and fairness in the carrying out of discipline. Students are also given opportunity to voice their complaints and concerns according to the Complaints and Appeals Policy.

Students are informed of relevant policies, rights and responsibilities through the College Prospectus, the Application Acceptance Pack and the Student Handbook. Students are kept aware of updates on these policies through the orientation programs, the Head Students and student information sheets.

Continue reading “Student’s Rights & Treatment”

Moving with the Buildings

Hills Campus

The Hub
Remember at all times there are many people working within the building, so your consideration of these people will be appreciated. To contain noise levels within the building please adhere to the following:

Offices – students are not permitted in office areas unless they have an appointment or are engaged in practical ministry.

Convention Centre
Students are permitted in the Basement, lecture rooms or in the Library. To access particular areas of the Convention Centre, please follow these directions;

The Basement – use the outside stairs on the right hand side of the Children’s area. Refer to Map, Level One, Area A.

Library & Lecture Rooms: Continue reading “Moving with the Buildings”

Critical Incident

Critical incidents

As a provider of education to overseas students, the college is required by legislation to have policy and procedures, which outline the action to be taken in the event of a critical incident.  This includes initial response, follow-up, reporting, review and improvement.  The aim is to continue college operations as quickly and smoothly after a critical incident with the safety and well being of students, staff and families as the priority.

A critical incident means a traumatic event, which may cause or is likely to cause extreme physical and/or emotional distress to staff, students and other workers or visitors to the college.  Minor injuries, plumbing blockages, phone/electrical failure are not critical incidents.

Example of critical incidents may include: Continue reading “Critical Incident”

Work Health and Safety

Section 6: Work Health and Safety

The leaders of Hillsong Church and College attempt at all times to provide a safe working environment for staff and students. There is still the need for the staff and students to be aware of their surroundings and generally take care when on the premises. Copies of the Work Health & Safety Act are available for review through the General Manager. Work Health and Safety areas are Incident Reports, Fire Alarms, and Fire Drills, Evacuating the Building, Lifting, Computers, and Outreaches.

Some moving of furniture will be required as a part of the day-to-day operation of the College. Chair trolleys are provided to assist with the removal of chairs.

Smoking of any substances is not permitted including vaping.

If an accident occurs on the College premises, the appropriate medical attention must be sought immediately. If needed, the number for the State Emergency Services (police, fire dept. or ambulance) is 000. Once the situation has been dealt with, an Incident Report form must be completed and given to the Principal.

Hazard Identification
If staff become aware of a potential hazard to the safety of staff or students, they should report it via the Hazard Report form.

Both campuses have a fire alarm system that is tested throughout the year. If under any circumstances the fire alarms are activated, students must leave the building through the main exits or fire doors. Exit signs are illuminated. Assemble in the designated Safe Area (Hills Campus Shopping Centre car park; City Campus car park across the road from the Campus). Refer the maps (Appendix 1) for exits. Twice a year students will be instructed in the evacuation procedures during mandatory fire drills.

Staff Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

All staff members, trainers, lecturers, tutors and contracted workers are required to be familiar with and abide by the Code of Conduct as follows. Any breach will result in disciplinary action by the College leadership (Refer Corporate Policies: Redressing breaches).

1. College Mission
Staff members are required to help realise the vision of Hillsong Church and HC to ‘reach and influence the world by building a large Bible based church;’ and to work towards the mission objective of Hillsong Church and HC to ‘reach and influence the world by changing mindsets and empowering people to lead and impact every sphere of life.’

Staff members are required to model and communicate the philosophy of HC and faithfully represent Hillsong Church and the College and its leadership in all dealings both within and outside Church and College life.

2. Professional/Academic Activities
Staff members are required to sign a Staff or Trainer/Lecturer contract. Continue reading “Staff Code of Conduct”

Guest Trainers & Lecturers

Guest Trainers and Lecturers

Guest trainers and lecturers should be selected and invited for their individual expertise and the unique contribution they bring to the training of students where this cannot be provided by current faculty resources. Prior approval must be granted by the relevant stream co-ordinators in accordance with budget requirements. If the person has any national or international status, this can only be at the approval of the Executive Vice President.

Guests are remumerated according to standard adjunct trainer and lecturer pay rates. Faculty or subject co-ordinators should prepare trainers files if these trainers are regular guest trainers (even annually), the normal process for payment applies.

Guests who teach in our vocational programs are required to hold the minimum Enterprise Presenter Skill Set.

Staff & Trainer Files

Staff and Trainer Files

In order to ensure, monitor and maintain the appropriateness of staff and trainers, staffing files are kept for all full and part-time trainers and all adjunct trainers.

These files are initially compiled at the appointment / induction of new staff and trainers, and are updated on an annual basis.

Trainer files are particularly important as they enable us to ensure and demonstrate the appropriateness of the College trainer team. Thus, the trainer file needs to include the following: Continue reading “Staff & Trainer Files”