Validation & Moderation


The processes used to validate assessment activity in the College’s courses are:

  • Course Development Manager to meet with Subject Convenors to define the appropriate assessment process for each subject prior to delivery
  • Subject Convenors review assessments as soon as completed, recommendations are passed on to the Course Development Manager for approval, any alterations are commissioned
  • Assessors validation meeting is held annually to review all assessment processes
  • Validation happens once prior to initial delivery and then once within the 5 year registration, with 50% completed within the first 3 years.
  • Validation team to include;
    • a qualified trainer from an alternate stream
    • student’s from a higher award (including at least one ESL student)
    • an industry expert


Moderation is our quality control process that ensures assessment decisions that are made by staff are brought into alignment so that the same decisions are applied across all assessment results, especially when there are multiple assessors within a subject or course. This process is usually completed before finalisation of the semester. Often moderation is triggered when a student if NYC but very close to Competent, then an assessor will request a moderation by another assessor to ensure competency judgements fall within the rules of evidence and principles of assessment.