Student Records

Student records and management
Details of Student Record System

Comprehensive student files are maintained by the Registrar for all students during their time at College. Files are comprised of forms relating to the student’s participation at College (e.g. application form, pastoral reference, records of interviews and academic transcripts).

Student files are stored in both hard copy and computerised form.

Computer Files are stored on the CollegeWorx Student Portal database and relevant documents uploaded there. These are backed-up regularly by the Technology Services Department:

  • Each night, weekly and monthly
  • Offsite monthly (on the network server at the other campus)
  • Hard copy files are stored on location at Hillsong College Head office and non-current student files are archived at the College’s archive storage facility.


All Student Campus Files are to be stored in a secured & accessible location onsite to adhere to privacy requirements.

Access to Student Records

Access to these files remain confidential and are accessible by defined personnel according to College procedures and privacy legislation. The only people who have access, on a need to know basis, to student files are:

  • Executive Vice President
  • General Manager
  • Academic Dean
  • Execuitive Dean
  • College Counsellors
  • Registrar
  • Administration staff

Students may give written consent for someone other than the staff listed above to have access to their files.

Students who want access to their student file, request access in writing if they wish to access their file. Checks as to the identity of the student will be carried out and file contents will be forwarded to the student.

Archiving Policy

All student results (computer version) are stored for a period of 30 years. Other documents are stored for up to seven (7) years.